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The articles are just window-dressing for code snippets I want to keep.

ReasonML Journey Part I: Getting Started with BuckleScript

ReasonML is, at the time of this post, a very young language and, as such, very much underdocumented. It's also missing a lot of the JavaScript standard libraries. I see both of these things as an opportunity to contribute both to the foundational documentation and to the libraries that haven't been written yet. This blog series will serve mainly as a resource to me as an absolute beginner trying to retrace my steps, but I hope that someone else may someday find it useful as well.

This post in particular will cover the first steps of initiating an npm package module and a ReasonML project in BuckleScript. The purpose of this post is not as much instructional as it is contextual, providing a way to recreate the precise environment in which the code was written.


  • You know basic terminal commands like ls and cd.
  • npm is installed.
  • git is installed, and you know how to create and clone a repository.

Setting up your BuckleScript workbench

Whenever I can, I avoid installing npm packages globally. I prefer to have each project maintain its own dependencies that can be updated independently without affecting one another, so I will be setting up my environment in a very specific way.

  1. In your workspace, create a new directory for this and all future BuckleScript projects. For example, I created ~/workbench/bucklescript/.
  2. Enter that directory in a terminal.
  3. Run npm init -y to initialize your workspace. The -y tells npm to adopt all defaults in the npm package.json, which is what we want because this is not the project directory. Instead, this is the directory where we're going to create project directories.
  4. Run npm install bs-platform to install the BuckleScript platform locally.

Now the BuckleScript platform can create new BuckleScript projects in your directory. In the next section, we will be creating a new ReasonML project.

Creating a new project

  1. Choose a name for your project. I have decided to name my project bs-service-worker because my ultimate goal will be to write a service worker library for BuckleScript, the development environment for ReasonML and OCAML.
  2. Run npx bsb -init $projectName -theme basic-reason to create your new project directory.
  3. Enter this new project directory.
  4. Install the bucklescript platform in this directory, which is already an npm package, by running npm install bs-platform. (Recall that it was only installed locally in the parent folder, so we do need to install it again here to use the BuckleScript platform.)
  5. Open your package.json.
  6. Edit each member of the scripts property by prefixing each command with "npx". For example, "build" correspond to "npx bsb -make-world" instead of "bsb -make-world. Do this for each command to reflect that we've installed BuckleScript only locally.
  7. Edit other project metadata in package.json as you see fit. I like to set:
  • my version to 0.0.1.
  • my keywords to accepted Redex tags.
  • the author to include my first name and my blog.
  • the license to something open.
  1. Close your package.json.
  2. Test your new project's setup by running npm run build.
  3. Optionally, initialize a git repository and add a remote origin, but be careful not to automatically create a README.md when creating your remote repository or you will have merge conflicts.


If your build command ran successfully, you have a new ReasonML project. In the next section, we will write some code for it.

I write to learn, so I welcome your constructive criticism. Report issues on GitLab.

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