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The articles are just window-dressing for code snippets I want to keep.

Tagged “nixos”

  1. Writing a (Nix-Friendly) Hello World Web App in Haskell with Scotty

    Okay, so this article has been written before, and I don't have a lot new to add, but some of these tutorials are getting pretty old, and the ones that aren't use stack, which I personally am avoiding as it doesn't play well with NixOS, so at least for me, for future reference, this tutorial will be useful.

  2. Idris FizzBuzz Part IV: Main and .ipkg Files

    This is the fourth and final part of a walkthrough of FizzBuzz, a common interview problem, in Idris. If you haven't read the other parts, you can start with Part I. To show how to import and use libraries, we're going to divide this project into a library and an executable. Along the way, we will create .ipkg packages for both.

  3. Running Play Framework on NixOS using JDK 11

    Good morning! First, some personal news: I'm switching to NixOS, and I'm kind of excited about it, so expect some articles to that effect. Today, I'm celebrating the ease with which I got a Play Framework environment up and running, including installing sbt and downgrading to JDK 11.

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